Cufflinks Guide: Different Type of Cufflinks Materials [Infographics]

A cufflinks guide to materials

Cufflinks Guide: Different Type of Cufflinks Materials [Infographics]

Cufflinks have become the perfect versatile addition to any wardrobe. In fact, these manly accessories might just be the one to transform your attire from drab to fab. Additionally, they are perfect gifts for your father, brother, husband, fiancée, etc. And since the holiday is just right around the corner, the infographic below will guide you in picking the appropriate cufflink material.

The material for any cufflink is significantly the very first decision you will have to make. Also, the material largely will govern the accessory’s price point. These materials range from precious metal to glass to gold cufflinks.

You will need to take into consideration the environment. Will the wearer attend a formal event, business meeting or casual gathering? The material and the cufflink should be appropriate for the intended occasion and venue. Gold cufflinks, depending on the design, can be worn in both formal and semi-formal events.

Check out the graphic below to know more about the most common materials used in modern-day cufflinks. Although there are no hard or fast rules in picking out the perfect pair of cuffs, it’s practical to know the basics of when to wear a good pair of cufflinks.

Guide to different cufflink materials

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